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Happy Gotcha Day & Birthday Quinlan!

On March 11 the Bessette family celebrated Quinlan’s Gotcha Day! This is the day we become Quinlan’s pawrents and he came home to be Quinlan Bessette. Our little pup is a rescue so we do not for sure know his age or birthdate, so we also celebrate his birthday this day too! To read our story on becoming a family of three check it out here.

This year we celebrate Quinlan turning 6 and being our little Shiba boy for 2 years. In some ways it feels like we have never been without him, but in other ways - we constantly are learning more corks and daily watch him test his limits as if he is still a brand new puppy! Since our first day with Shiba, he has been a lone wolf. He can’t handle other dogs around him, with him, barking to him, or looking at him - he can go pretty bizerk! He has come to tolerate our families’ dogs, but still prefers his space and life his way. Since December 2013 Quinlan had been living with another dog - Walker. If he had to be with another dog, a passive golden retriever who is happy to just do his own thing was perfect and truth be told when it was all said and done, they got along and even had their own way of playing. Now poor Walker did end up with a few bites and Quinlan got yelled at a lot….but on the last few hours at my parent's house, during the big move, Q was behind closed doors to avoid his being in the way, and with all the comotion just crying his little heart out - Walker came and popped open the door to let him out. We ended on a high note for those two (besides the minor panic of Quinlan escaping), but with the new house it is a different chapter for Quinlan - almost a fresh start.

Over our two years with Quinlan we have learned he is his happiest and most well behaved when he has a lot of exercise and entertainment. Other dogs, strangers, and us leaving can lead to some serious anxious moments. We are talking barking, growling, biting at the air - and anything that gets in the way of his mouth- scratching at the ground, shaking, jumping - and it can take a minute (or 5) for him to gain his composure. Quinlan is a one dog household and that household is ours. So reflecting on our experience, his growth, recalling some of the struggling encounters with other pups, and that as life continues we want to learn to communicate with our pup and help him grow with us - we have made this move an important focus for him.

Danny has made a great effort to walk Quinlan on average - 3-4 times a day. This has helped…but even as Quinlan settles in with a lot of walks and a lot of little nooks for him to hide away, enjoying lots of little pockets of sun for him to lounge….he still has his anxious moments. So we are thinking our next great adventure with Quinlan is school. Stay tuned.

There is no denying with all of our struggles and frustrations - Quinlan is still our baby - just check out my instagram. And the part about that which always makes Danny and I laugh - he totally knows it! With Danny he takes the role of little buddy. They play and wrestle - when Quinlan is bored the first one he nudges with a toy is Danny. For me, he holds the role of the little sweet puppy/protector. He cuddles, let's me pick him up, and is extra protective. We experience all different aspects of his personality and are always intrigued how he chooses to share them.

Quinlan- you are one silly Shiba! You have bright us a lot of joy, tons of laughs, a variety of frustrations....but you have more than made your place in our family (even our extended families love you and enjoy your antics)- and we are so thankful that we are your forever family.

Happy belated gotcha day and birthday little pup!

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