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Health Check-In

It’s Happy Healthy Wednesday!

How are you doing on YOUR health journey? Today I have been thinking a lot about how the journey has to be yours. For Danny his health journey is daily CF treatments, some exercise and LOTS of calories (he tries to get the healthier version - but he has to gain the lbs!). For my health journey I need to drink a lot of water, eat as clean as possible, and really push myself in the exercise department ( I want to lbs OFF). We all can’t become vegan, we all can’t run marathons, we all can’t be iron men….well at least on the first day. Meet your body where it’s at and don’t be too hard on yourself as you take this challenge…it is a journey, not just a quick trip.

After being pretty sick last week and watching some amazing athletic ability the week before I feel like I have experienced the health spectrum. Seeing Monica run the Marine Corp, I was inspired in a whole new way. It literally felt like my body was filling up with adrenaline to join her movement. I dreamt of early morning runs and getting back in tune with the gifts of strength and stamina. Then before I knew it I was laden with nasty mucus and a cough that just would not quite. Keeping my eyes open on the commute home felt like a marathon. This cold wiped me out and suddenly I was drowning in sugar and caffeine just to keep going. This week I feel 100% better and with that recovery you remember how extraordinary feeling just normal can be. My days were brighter, my energy up and my lungs clear - ahhhhh I was back! All week my mind keeps going to - this life is so much easier without a cold. The stronger I get the more I begin to also wonder, how much better life would feel if I really made an effort to be healthy?

Right about the time this thought process is really starting to marinate this article comes through my work email. The title was as if it was written for me. Right now I am at a really unique point - a complete re-start in my career and thus my home life. I keep thinking if I can figure out how to “have it all” now - while I am shifting the answer will become a permanent part of my life. Well week three and getting hit by a nasty cold bug, I was feeling like I had already lost - or would have to figure it all out next week/month/ year - whatever. The problem with that approach is? I am living life now….and no I am not living it perfect, but if I throw out any of the progress I have made, then these last three weeks have sorta been a waste- no?

This article gave a lot of great advice - but the largest messages for me were first how successful people approach their challenges: with a true grasp that failure will happen, because you are learning and adjusting when you are progressing. How brilliant! Why am I setting myself up with perfection as the only option? Secondly those goals I have for health are not about learning to adjust to running, eating better, sleeping more….they are the TOOLS to be successful. I have known this fact. I have recognized the health in my own OCD and anxiety when I am healthy…but just that transition of not making it a goal but a tool, suddenly seems like something I am wanting versus something I am waiting to mess up. Its a quick read and I encourage you to take a look. The messages you find may be different….but if nothing else it has reminded me that life is a journey with potholes and mountains - gotta be ready for the good and okay with the bad.

What does this mean for my health goals (guess I might need to rethink that name)?


I AM RUNNING. Not far, not fast, not even very good….but I am doing it. And honestly I am loving it. The past few days I feel more energy, a better mood and have been able to look my anxiety right in the eye and tell it to shove off! Ahhhh! I am a happy girl. What is the big secret minus the actually doing it? The not stressing about it!

When I first started running a few years back I think I really enjoyed it because I was committed to just following the plan. I did not worry about time, I did not worry about pace, and I refused to worry about yesterday or tomorrow….I just did today. That is exactly how I am approaching this running chapter. Everyday I am going to look at my plan and do exactly what today says to the best of my ability.

In reality, I do have to have some set goal so that I am motivated to stick with it….so I am running 5K December 7th and with my sisters! This will keep the motivation going and I hope be the start back to a running career…..well at least decent hobby!


Well - if in the last two weeks suddenly healthy food is made up of Starbucks, Chik-fila, and the local bagel store, I am all set! Since I am doubtful that is the case….this area I just need to do better - PERIOD. I am really lucky cause Danny does our cooking and likes to great creative with fresh veggies and lean proteins. We have addressed my diet needs and he is working really hard to offer me balanced choices. For now, that is the best I can do. Reduce the fast food and up the veggies. Sure - not the perfect model and yes, if you must know my energy level, skin and candida infections are all suffering as a result. So this area is going to have to change…my body won’t let it keep going. Good news - change is always available at the next meal choice.

Thank you for those out there listening to my health journey woes. There are so many bloggers whose lifestyle is a literal mirror for what the preach. They are able to treat their body as a temple through their exercise endeavors and constantly improve. For now, that is not me. Maybe someday it will be…..for now though? I am grateful for the desire, hopeful for the change, and happy to just share it with you!

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